
The universe may be infinite, but beneath this infinity lies the unceasing birth and death of stars. In Chinese writing, the word “star” comprises “day” and “birth”. It can mean “the day of birth”. This is why our date of birth is one of the first sets of numbers we associate with in life. It represents our birth and shall remain with us till the day of our death.

However, our life is a combination of our actions, environment and fate. Each of us has a set of character number unique to us. These characteristic numbers offer us a simple yet accurate means to glimpse into the natural giftedness and character of an individual. Ultimately, our character number can be used as a tool for self-understanding. Each of the character numbers refers to the set of skills an individual is born with, as well as the trials and tribulations he has to face. The analysis of the character number will reveal to us the bits and pieces of the secret of life.

We discovered that by studying the character number, we can deduce the strength and weakness of an individual (behavioural studies), his health status, relationship with people, his home environment and its effect on him (the study of the environment). We can even learn the entire life of an individual (myVisiber) with our unique name and business card methodology, as well as to determine the strength and weakness of a corporation and ways to avoid possible pitfalls (BrandINC).


Character Number Positive Traits
1 Leadership skill, independent, goal-getter, righteous, humorous
2 Good communication skills, calm and collected, friendly, matured in thinking
3 Doer, proactive, clarity in thoughts, creative
4 Good in strategizing, intelligent, knowledge-seeker, extrovert, puncture
5 Good sense of direction, curious, good reflexes, loves freedom
6 Wise, artistic, imaginative, strong family values
7 Popular with people, good analytical skills, strong religious faith, lucky
8 Responsible, full of drive, in control of emotions, trustworthy
9 Optimistic, liberal, business minded, loves to dream
Character Number Negative Traits
1 Stubborn, self-centred, greedy
2 Indecisive, timid, not assertive, day dream, stubborn
3 Impulsive, bad-tempered, flippant, mischievous
4 Insecure, impatient, overly direct, poor in managing money
5 Stubborn, destructive, short-tempered, impatient for improvement
6 Materialistic, egoistic, proud
7 Procrastinate, careless, indecisive
8 Vain, easily worried, oppressed, lack of order when working
9 Emotional, unrealistic, greedy, not meticulous, loner

Behavioural Studies

Life is a complicated yet wonderful process. Since time immemorial, man has been seeking answers to the following questions. “Who am I?”, “What is my purpose in life?”, “How can I lead a better life?” These questions seem far removed from our mind as we go about our daily toil for survival, but these are important questions. We can only gain salvation by knowing ourselves.

In our relentless pursuit of the truth, we came to discover that the Chinese character of “I” or “self” resembles the word “search”. It seems to indicate that the true purpose of life is to do self-searching. We have been searching to know ourselves since the day we are born, but what should we do to really see ourselves and understand our lives?

It is in this respect we think that numbers can effectively reveal to us the true meaning of life. Our proprietary “VISIBER inverted triangle” method enables you to calculate your character number in a simple method using your date of birth. You will unravel the truth about your character and gifts, inner struggles and conflicts, strength and weaknesses. You can also catch a glimpse into your past, present and future by calculating your character number. The mystery can all be revealed to you. It is up to you to decide whether to place trust in our unique system or otherwise.


VISIBER Character Number products include:
? WG Pendant 1-9
? Diamond Pendant 1-9
? 57 or 96 Dual Numbers Pendant


The Study of the Environment

People have been under the mercy of Mother Nature since man first walked on Earth. Diseases and death became their constant companion. However, they slowly learned to choose their dwelling cautiously to ensure their survival.

As history progressed, the human race started to understand the nature and to adapt to Her cycle. They later learnt how to use nature and change the cycle of nature to their advantage. The art of choosing a dwelling place has to be one of the earliest fields in the study of the environment in ancient China. This once mysterious art has now been fully developed by VISIBER into a complete study of the environment.

The VISIBER Study of The Environment is a profound field comprising knowledge in astronomy, physics, geology, ecology, meteorology, architecture, biology, as well as the study of the magnetic field. In a nutshell, the VISIBER Study of The Environment is a study of environmental influence on humans using the “VISIBER inverted triangle” system. It unites the idea of “Nature, Balance, Fulfillment” to influence the magnetic field of the environment so as to improve a person’s luck. From the modern point of view, a good environment is a combination of “Heaven” (normally used to signify timeliness in Chinese), “Earth” (the suitability of an environment) and “Human” (factor). The “Earth” (environment) factor can help change the luck of a person, his family, or even a country if used properly. It can be used to improve the standard of living and help people to achieve their dreams as well as bring peace and prosperity to the nation.

VISIBER Environment Calculation Method:

VISIBER Direction Diagram:

Display of VISIBER Pewter Frame:

VISIBER Environment products include:
? Pewter Frame 1-9
? Personal Pewter Frame
? Corporate Pewter Frame
? 9Q Pewter Frame
? Trinity Pewter Frame


The Chinese character for “surname” is a combination of the word “female” and “birth”. It was coined during the pre-Qin and Han dynasties when the Chinese lived in a matriarchic society. Everyone was born by a woman, and hence the words “female” and “birth” were strung together to form the Chinese character for “surname”. In addition, people of ancient China faced the threat of attack by wild animals when they went out at night. To defend themselves against the wild beast, these men and women carried weapons with them from dusk onwards. However, there was always the danger of accidentally hurting fellow villagers should their rustles be mistaken as those of a wild beast. In order to prevent this from happening, they devised a scheme where they shouted out their names as identification before any arms were raised. This is why the Chinese character for “name” is made up of the word “dusk” and “mouth”.

The mention of names inevitably brings up the topic of the study of the written form, after all names are in essence a combination of different characters of the written language. The Chinese language serves the function of conveying “meaning” and recording the “phonetics” using “form”. Together, they form the most essential components of the Chinese language.

There is an old Chinese saying, “An improper name impedes proper speech”. The Spanish scholar Isidore of Seville said that “Who knoweth not the names, knoweth not the subject”. The Native Americans give their children meaningful and spiritual names in hope that they grow up true to the meanings of their names. In fact, names are so important that many people have died to protect the good name of oneself or his family. This emphasis on name is evident in all cultures in all parts of the world. In our modern culture, names are seen as a form of identification and communication, but experts and scholars have discovered, after careful research, that a name holds a wealth of secret. They discovered that the each name holds hidden message and can influence the mood, character, outlook on life, as well as achievement in work.

What constitutes a good name? The name can be analyzed from four aspects: Originality, Elegance, Subtle Meaning, Pleasing Tone.
? Originality: Not common, a strong sense of individualism
? Elegance: Pleasing in form and sound
? Subtle Meaning: Rich in subtle meanings
? Pleasing Tone: Pleasing sound, easy to pronounce and eye-catching



myVISIBER services include:
? myVISIBER Package (Choosing names for or renaming newborns, infants, adults, corporations, and trademarks)
? Personal Pewter Frame
? Authority Seal


“Nomina si nescis, perit et cognition rerum.”



Commercial branding is an art that extols the feelings, passions, and even the spirit in the business! The 21st century is an era where branding is crucial to the success of a business. More and more companies are beginning to wake up to the fact that merely providing goods and services is no longer sufficient to ensure success. Only companies that succeed in creating a strong brand and overcoming competition can hope to succeed. However, despite it being the most important criterion for success, it is also one of the least understood.

At VISIBER, we believe “a successful name card = a successful brand”. This simple equation holds the key to creating a successful brand. Visiber boldly looks at the issue from the design of a business card. Our approach is radical, and breaks away from tradition by dividing the card into 9 standardized portions and labeling them using numbers from 1 to 9. This formalizes the process, allowing the discovery of the winning edge a company has, and helps in designing a name card that is most suitable for the company. These steps will help the companies score more businesses, as well as allow them to reap long term reward.

Calculation Method for Business Cards:


BrandINC services include:
? VISIBER BrandINC Package
? VISIBER Privilege Business Card
? Corporate Pewter Frame

Numberology, what is it? 哈哈,这就是所谓的生命灵数,或者也叫生命秘数,与星座,塔罗并列为西方三大神秘学的系统。

如果你只学了星座,而不了解数字,其实是没有办法了解有关于西方人看待宇宙观的概念。牡羊座在12星座里排名第一位,金牛座排名第2位,双鱼座排名第12 位。1、2、12都是数字。所以这些数字其实就是生命灵数的概念。处女座为什么排第六,摩羯座为什么排第十?这些东西其实都是生命灵数或者是生命秘数的基 础。



1代表独立以及自我负责的态度,他在幼年的时候太过独立的话,代表跟父母的关系会比较容易 起冲突。所以,数字1给人的感觉是你做事明快、果断,爱情就是比较刚烈的或者是比较大男子主义的。西方怎么谈论数字1呢?数字1就是天空中的太阳,喜欢惟 我独尊的优越感,如果各位网友数字灵数是1,是比较独立的,而且工作选择上是非常适合做个人工作室的,也是主管。


3在生命灵数里代表理想主义,也代表学习。生命灵数3主掌的是什么样的符号呢?是西方的三角形。西方的三角形刚好是三个点形成一个三角形。西方的金字塔不 就是三角形嘛?所以,三角形蕴含了一切知识跟神秘的力量。如果你是生命灵数3的人,你的天赋就是沟通。如果你要做业务人员、行销人员或者是做口才工作的, 像主持人,都是非常好的。

4的符号就是正方形,给人感觉就是稳重、踏实、负责的感觉。所以,生命灵数4的人还有一个特别的特质,他天生骨架大,而且易胖型。如果你的男朋友是生命灵 数4的话,他一定会给你一个温柔厚实的肩膀,因为他是天生易胖的。但如果女生是生命灵数4就要稍微忌口一点,否则会持续胖下去。


6其实就是两个三角形的整合。比如我们画一个六角形,它需要有一个正三角形以及倒三角形两个整合在一起,所以数字6也代表和谐。生命灵数6非常重视和谐, 爱情里面容易表现出好郝先生的特质。如果你的男朋友或者是女朋友是生命灵数6,可以享受他(她)给你温柔的爱,而且基本上是百依百顺。



9,以生命灵数来讲是9循环的,就是从1到9,是一个循环的系统,跟中国的十年一轮实际上 是比较不一样的。9循环,生命灵数9有一个更高的宗教情怀,有更好的人道主义,也有更好的博爱特质,生命灵数9的人非常喜欢交朋友,甚至认为朋友是生命中 最重要的事情。如果你的男朋友、女朋友是生命灵数9的话,他肯定把他的朋友放在第一位,有可能会冷落你。如果你的小孩或者是你的兄弟姐妹是生命灵数9,其 实是非常开朗的。



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